Episode 52: Cantering Issues and Problems in Sport Horses

Episode 52: Cantering Issues and Problems in Sport Horses

Dr. Audrey DeClue discusses a common complaint among riders and veterinarians – cantering issues. Though historically, much attention has been paid to the limbs, Dr. DeClue brings it back to to the body of the horse, where many of the lameness issues actually originate. She discusses her experience addressing cantering issues and what to consider if this is a problem with your horse.

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Julian Davis
Julian Davis
1 year ago

Omg. I literally asked the “lameness” specialist vet about a subtle lameness that at first he tried to tell me didn’t exist but then finally saw it after I wouldn’t give up. He told me that she was as sound as she was ever going to be at 5. I asked how to assess the psoas and how to assist her. ( I tore my left side in a bad accident along with my rt meniscus and subluxed both knees so I’ve learned a lot about rehab in the last 4 years. I’ve used every bit of it in better understanding the horses that I have worked on (I’m an EBW) and on my understanding of equine lameness).
PS your 3 part podcast was fantastic because quite frankly there have been so many times that I have been working on horses and people ask about tack that do not fit, fit too tight, fit differently when In active movement rather than passive fit. People who are not aware of what is painful for the horse. You are literally making me feel 90% less crazy because I say a lot of that (a lot less technically because I lack your expertise) but I try to explain these things to clients with different levels of success. Thank you so much for everything you are doing. I am really looking forwards to hearing the rest of your podcasts.

Oh and check out old school English saddles, a lot of them actually narrow as they go towards the lumbar which is mind boggling as the spine widens And then they wonder why all the horse have “hunters bumps”.

Susan L Smoot
Susan L Smoot
8 months ago

Wonderful information! Makes so much sense to think of the muscles that move/drive the legs!
