Episode 2: It’s Never Normal When Your Horse…
Host Audrey DeClue shares her experiences working with horses, trainers, owners and more who often use the term “that’s just normal” when describing abnormal conditions in their horse. In this episode, you’ll learn why it’s probably not normal and what can be done.
Episode 2: It’s Never Normal When Your Horse…
✨ NEW! October Seminar
Girthiness & Equipment Lameness
Explore the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation strategies for "girthiness" and equipment-related lameness in equids. This seminar, designed for veterinarians, offers practical and actionable insights that you can immediately incorporate into your daily practice. With limited attendance, you'll benefit from an interactive learning environment focused on problem-solving these common yet often overlooked issues. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and add valuable tools to your veterinary toolkit.
The Horse First Podcast
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I can’t believe there are no other comments! I just wanted to say, I recently came across your podcast and I’m loving it! I 1000% agree with your message in this episode about what’s not normal for horses. A horse is a horse is a horse. There are things they should do and things they shouldn’t. And if they’re not doing something they should… there’s something wrong. And if they’re doing something they shouldn’t.. there’s something wrong! It’s so refreshing to hear a vet preach a message I’ve believed for a long time. Thank you!!
Horses NEVER lie! I say this a lot and when I heard you say it… gave me goosebumps! Love these podcasts. Thank you!